Laying the Foundation
When we close our eyes, get really still and allow the quiet to roll over us what do we see, what do we hear?
There was a time when getting quiet was the main priority of the day. It was a time set aside for the specific purpose of getting closer to God and to allow His kingdom, His grace and His forgiveness to wash over the entirety of the body, mind and soul. It was an amazing time when words would materialize that were not spoken by human tongue but were heard by those in the room. It was a time when the glow of the Holy Spirit would radiate and filled those close by. Those days are not something from the past but are awaiting us today. Seek, ask and knock.
Studying Isiah harkens back to those days when quiet time was the most important time of day. It was a time for being still, inviting the Holy Spirit to reign and seeking His guidance. When the days ran together and while the days. as they are today, were filled from sun-up to sun-down there was more than enough energy, time and resources to make it all happen. The closer we live to God, the easier the days become. The more time we spend with God, the more time we have for other situations. The more we give to God, the more our cup is filled. What an easy lesson.
What Isiah sees, hears and experiences as a vessel of God’s word is nothing less than miraculous. What Paul and John of Patmos echo from the Prophecies of Isiah should get anyones attention. Anyone that reads the books should certainly draw a connection between Isiah, Paul and John of Patmos. These three set aside time for God, they set aside resources for God and they set their priority on God. Here we are more than 2,000 years later discussing what happened. Once we reach the conclusion that it belongs to Him it’s so much easier to give it all to Him.
Isiah 11 NKJV
1 There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse
And a Branch shall grow out of his roots.
2 The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon Him,
The Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
The Spirit of counsel and might,
The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord.
3 His delight is in the fear of the Lord,
And He shall not judge by the sight of His eyes,
Nor decide by the hearing of His ears;
4 But with righteousness He shall judge the poor,
And decide with equity for the meek of the earth;
He shall strike the earth with the rod of His mouth,
And with the breath of His lips He shall slay the wicked.
5 Righteousness shall be the belt of His loins,
And faithfulness the belt of His waist.
6 “The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb,
The leopard shall lie down with the young goat,
The calf and the young lion and the fatling together;
And a little child shall lead them.
7 The cow and the bear shall graze;
Their young ones shall lie down together;
And the lion shall eat straw like the ox.
8 The nursing child shall play by the cobra’s hole,
And the weaned child shall put his hand in the viper’s den.
9 They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain,
For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord
As the waters cover the sea.